a libra who writes..

Senin, Juni 25, 2018

Breaking My Journal Part 8 : The things I DO NOT UNDERSTAND

I don’t understand why you walked away after everything I have done for you. 
You had it good with me. You were never expected to lift a finger. You were able to have fun with your friends.
You cut me out of your world even though I made your world easier. Even though I showered you with affection. I kept giving and giving until I had nothing left inside of me.
It sucks to know I wasted so much time and energy on you when you were going to leave anyway.
But I think the reason I’m so angry about what happened is because deep down I know I should have been the one who walked away. I should have left you because you were toxic..
I felt like we could be a Greatest Story meant we should stay together, we should try to sort things out, we should fix our problems instead of run away from them.
But you finally decided to do what I had been too chicken to do. You left me. And you don’t seem sorry at all. You don’t seem like you regret your decision or like you are worried about how I am going to live without you. You seem perfectly fine. doesn’t make a difference to you.
I don’t know why you cut me out of your world when I was the one who was being mistreated the entire time, but as soon as I get passed this sting of rejection, I am going to be happy about my newfound freedom. As much as I hate to admit it, you did the right thing, because maybe we never belonged together. Maybe You belong far, far away from me.

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