a libra who writes..

Jumat, Juni 01, 2012

My (un) Happy Ending... This time its the end - this blog will temporary discontinue /

Let's talk this over
It's not like we're dead
Was it something I did?
Was it something you said?
Don't leave me hanging
In a city so dead
Held up so high
On such a breakable thread (breakable thread)

You were all the things I thought I knew
And I thought we could be

You were everything, everything that I wanted (that I wanted)
We were meant to be, supposed to be but we lost it (we lost it)
And all of the memories, so close to me, just fade away
All this time you were pretending
So much for my happy ending

Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh...
So much for my happy ending
Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh...

You've got your dumb friends
I know what they say (they say)
They tell you I'm difficult
But so are they (but so are they)
But they don't know me
Do they even know you (even know you)?
All the things you hide from me
All the shit that you do (all the shit that you do) 

You were all the things I thought I knew
And I thought we could be

It's nice to know that you were there
Thanks for acting like you cared
And making me feel like I was the only one
It's nice to know we had it all
Thanks for watching as I fall
And letting me know we were done

He was everything, everything that I wanted
We were meant to be, supposed to be but we lost it
And all of the memories, so close to me, just fade away
All this time you were pretending
So much for my happy ending

You were everything, everything that I wanted (that I wanted)
We were meant to be, supposed to be but we lost it
And all of the memories, so close to me, just fade away
All this time you were pretending
So much for my happy ending


Your subtleties
They strangle me
I can't explain myself at all.
And all the wants
And all the needs
All I don't want to need at all.

The walls start breathing
My mind's unweaving
Maybe it's best you leave me alone.
A weight is lifted
On this evening
I give the final blow.

When darkness turns to light,
It ends tonight
It ends tonight.

A falling star
Least I fall alone.
I can't explain what you can't explain.
You're finding things that you didn't know
I look at you with such disdain 

The walls start breathing
My mind's unweaving
Maybe it's best you leave me alone.
A weight is lifted
On this evening
I give the final blow.

When darkness turns to light
It ends tonight,
It ends tonight.
Just a little insight won't make this right
It's too late to fight
It ends tonight,
It ends tonight.

Now I'm on my own side
It's better than being on your side
It's my fault when you're blind
It's better that I see it through your eyes

All these thoughts locked inside
Now you're the first to know

When darkness turns to light
It ends tonight,
It ends tonight.
Just a little insight won't make this right
It's too late to fight
It ends tonight,
It ends 

When darkness turns to light
It ends tonight,
It ends tonight.
Just a little insight won't make this right
It's too late to fight
It ends tonight,
It ends tonight.

When darkness turns to light,
It ends tonight.

Senin, Maret 12, 2012

A TRUE love story

katie kirkpatrick, 21 mengidap kanker ketika akan merayakan hari terbaik dalam hidupnya. katie diserang penyakit kanker, pernapasannya terganggu, bahkan ia harus menggunakan tabung oksigen untuk membantunya bernapas. sakitnya tidak tertahankan, bahkan morphin pun tidak bisa menahan rasa sakitnya. organ2 tubuhnya mulai melemah tapi itu tidak menghentikannya untuk menikahi nick,23, yang telah ia cintai semenjak kecil.

katie, 21, memegang obatnya beberapa saat sebelum ia tidur karena pengaruh morphin yang telah ia gunakan. ia terserang kanker paru-paru

sehari sebelum pernikahannya. katie dalam keadaan yang sangat menyakitkan, ia menggunakan morphin dan obat2an untuk membantu menghilangkan sakitnya.

Katie menderita kanker stadium akhir dan menghabiskan beberapa jam setiap harinya untuk terapi. Terlihat Nick sedang menunggu Katie sampai selesai, ini adalah salah satu dari sekian banyak sesi kemoterapi Katie.

Dalam kesulitannya dalam menahan rasa sakit, kegagalan organ, dan morphin , Katie tetap mau melaksanakan acara pernikahannya dan memperhatikan setiap detail. Gaun pengantin perlu diperkecil beberapa kali karena Katie terus menerus kehilangan berat badannya.

katie, 21, dan nick, 23, seorang sheriff yang ia kenal sejak kecil, menikah di gereja hazel park, sabtu, januari 15, 2005.

Pernikahan dengan aksesoris yang tidak biasa dengan selang oksigen, Katie memakainya baik dalam upacara dan resepsi pernikahannya. Pasangan yang lain di gambar atas adalah Orang Tua Nick. Ikut Bersuka Cita melihat anak laki2nya menikahi sang pujaan hati, teman smunya.

Katie, di kursi rodanya dengan selang oksigen, mendengarkan sebuah lagu dari suaminya dan teman2nya.

Dalam resepsi, Katie perlu beberapa kali istirahat. Rasa sakitnya membuat ia tidak bisa berdiri lama2.

Katie meninggal 5 hari kemudian setelah pernikahannya. Melihat seorang wanita yang sakit kritis dan lemah melakukan pernikahan dan dengan sebuah senyuman di wajahnya membuat kita berpikir….. Kebahagiaan bisa dicapai, tidak perduli bisa bertahan berapa lama. Kita seharusnya tidak membuat hidup kita menjadi rumit.

So Sad...

Selasa, Maret 06, 2012


Di ruang sidang pengadilan, seorang hakim duduk tercenung menyimak tuntutan jaksa PU terhadap seorang nenek yang dituduh mencuri singkong. Nenek itu berdalih bahwa hidupnya miskin, anak lelakinya sakit, dan cucunya kelaparan. Namun seorang laki yang merupakan manajer dari PT yang memiliki perkebunan singkong tersebut tetap pada tuntutannya, dg alasan agar menjadi cnth bagi warga lainnya.

Hakim menghela nafas. dan berkata, “Maafkan saya, bu”, katanya sambil memandang nenek itu.

”Saya tak dapat membuat pengecualian hukum, hukum tetap hukum, jadi anda harus dihukum. Saya mendenda anda Rp 1 juta dan jika anda tidak mampu bayar maka anda harus masuk penjara 2,5 tahun, seperti tuntutan jaksa PU”.

Nenek itu tertunduk lesu, hatinya remuk redam. Namun tiba-tiba hakim mencopot topi toganya, membuka dompetnya kemudian mengambil & memasukkan uang Rp 1 juta ke topi toganya serta berkata kepada hadirin yang berada di ruang sidang.

‘Saya atas nama pengadilan, juga menjatuhkan denda kepada tiap orang yang hadir di ruang sidang ini, sebesar Rp 50 ribu, karena menetap di kota ini, dan membiarkan seseorang kelaparan sampai harus mencuri untuk memberi makan cucunya.

"Saudara panitera, tolong kumpulkan dendanya dalam topi toga saya ini lalu berikan semua hasilnya kepada terdakwa.”

sebelum palu diketuk nenek itu telah mendapatkan sumbangan uang sebanyak Rp 3,5 juta dan sebagian telah dibayarkan kepanitera pengadilan untuk membayar dendanya, setelah itu dia pulang dengan wajah penuh kebahagian dan haru dengan membawa sisa uang termasuk uang Rp 50 ribu yang dibayarkan oleh manajer PT yang menuntutnya.

Semoga di indonesia banyak hakim-hakim yang berhati mulia sepertii ini.
Oleh: Polres Sidoarjo

Senin, Februari 27, 2012

I Love You Hippopotamus


Cutee.... kalau punya rumah besaaaaarrr gw pasti bakalan melihara Hippo kaya cewe yang di Atlanta itu... I Love them!!!

Jumat, Februari 24, 2012

The Vow..


udah lama mau ngepost ini baru sempet sekarang... gue nonton film dari my fav. sexiest guys alive Channing Tatum!! yes!! MY LOVE And ONLY CHANNING TATUM!

film barunya "THE VOW" udah hits box office di dunia dalam katagori film dramma dan mecahin rekor sebagai film dramma terlaris! ironis nya... rekor film yang di kalahkan adalah film lain Channing Tatum "DEAR JOHN!" hehehehe

Chann is really HOT!!!!!! As you know, He's my fave Guy since i saw Step up 1..... <3

Ini Cuplikan Movie nya!! SO ROMANTIC

Ini sinopsis The Vow :

Merayakan lima tahun pernikahan mereka, pasangan muda ini justru menghadapi tantangan terbesarnya disaat sang istri, Paige (Rachel McAdams), cedera serius dalam kecelakaan mobil yang mengakibatkan koma. Ketika aia sadar, bukan hanya dia tidak mengenali suaminya, Leo (Channing Tatum), namun ingatannya justru tertuju pada mantan tunangannya, Jeremy (Scott Speedman)

Meskipun Paige nampaknya tidak mencintai Leo lagi, semua usaha ia lakukan untuk membuat istrinya jatuh cinta dengannya lagi. Apakah usaha Leo akan berhasil?

Kalo gw... GA BAKAL NOLAK!! kalo gw kecelakaan tiba tiba channing tatum ngaku suami gw!! gw pasti langsung percaya... No question! langsung setuju! hahahahahah!!!

Selasa, Januari 31, 2012

KIDS, I ATE YOUR CANDY! (Funiest Video!)

This is The Funniest Video i've ever seen so far!!! hahah... the kids.. they are so cute.... some of them... in fact... most of them cry just because a candy... (oooowwww)... but some of them are very Funny, like the kids who have another "Secrets Candy" and olso the last one... This two kids are so smart! check this video!! it give me a LOT of LAUGH! it WORKS on me... i am sure it works on you too...!!! :)


Jumat, Januari 20, 2012

10 Importants Things you should know about HELMETS!


As you all know, wearing a helmet is really important. It can reduce the risk of a serious head injury or even save your life. This is why we want to inform you better on choosing the right helmet for you.

1. SIZE & FIT: Size and fit are the most important features you should look for in a helmet. Avoid buying/wearing a helmet that is not the right size for you. You can make the fit more custom using pads and straps that would keep the helmet in place.

2. ADJUST THE STRAPS: While riding the straps should always be locked, there is no point on using a helmet if you are not locking it. The straps should never be too tight or too loose on your chin. Make sure it “clicks” correctly and holds pressure properly – you’ll have to replace it if it doesn’t.

3. CORRECT POSITION: Helmet right position it’s approximately an inch above the eyebrows, any other position might be dangerous upon impact. You can take a look to this picture

4. COMPOSITION: The best helmet is the one constructed with an exterior hard shell and an interior soft and protective foam that can resist multiple light impacts. You’d want to look for durable materials and a padding system which is removable and washable.

5. ROUND SHAPE: The best helmets are rounded without outstanding decorations – any of these could cause neck injuries upon impact.

6. CHECK AFTER FALLING: You should always check your helmet after falling on it. Specially look for breaks inside the helmet. A broken helmet is no longer useful, don’t try to fix it and replace it asap for a new one- Ask somebody to lend you one if you want to keep riding that day.

7. WEIGHT: Helmet weight is also important, helmets which are too heavy may cause neck injuries and be so uncomfortable that you wouldn’t want to wear it.

8. CERTIFIED HELMETS: Although certification shouldn’t be an obstacle for you to buy your helmet, we highly recommend to look for helmets that have been tested and certified, in sum a helmet that fulfills all the above requirements.

9. FULLFACE HELMETS: For higher speeds it is highly recommended to use a helmet that covers your entire head. We will talk about this subject more in depth in the future.

10. CHOOSE A HELMET THAT SUITS YOU!: There is no point in having a helmet if you’re not using it due to embarrassment or because you don’t like it. There’s a million variety of styles and colours to choose from – pick the one that most suits your personality and you feel comfortable with!

We’ve taken all this information from Silverfish, XSports protective. If you want to read more, check the links below



Illustrations by Andrea Trigo
