a libra who writes..

Selasa, Juli 17, 2018

I hope you happy

It hurts how life can pull us in opposite directions from the ones we love most. Thankfully, we had social media to help us keep in touch. Though I must admit, thinking back on how close we once were, it hurts to only have a one-dimensional view of your beautiful life, through screens and words. It’s even more difficult to keep up with you now, with the way your activity on social media is almost nonexistent these days. or maybe you just put me on the block so I can't see what happens in your life, and I get it. it is not my business and I am glad that you did that. I am glad that you don't feed my emotion, and it makes me easy to move on. away. at the point now that I am completely stopped checking what is happening in your life.
but deep down in my heart, I still do have hope for you, not to coming back but to be happy. I hope you’re happy. I hope you’re just so enthused with your life.
I hope you get whatever you dream for, I hope your works well, and of course, I always hope that you will always win. I hope this world hasn’t gotten the best of you. I hope you don’t have to fight with yourself to get out of bed in the mornings, especially when you used to be the main motivation for me to get out of my own.
I hope you’re happy. I hope you carved everything you have ever wanted out of this life. I hope you have surrounded yourself with people who are worthy of your presence. Because clearly, I never was.
I hope you finally got it right

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