a libra who writes..

Kamis, Juli 12, 2018

I am Healing...

No, I dont write this in hoping that you will be back.
I have reach my realization that you are not coming back. Not now, not latter, not ever. Even somewhere inside my mind i wish you would. I wish there is a 0.1 to 0.9999999999... % that you would coming back. But even the number is small.. its infinity. 

That is why i keep a small space on the corner on my heart for you. I know it probably useless. I know that space will be empty forever. Rusted and fill with dust. Broken and dark...

I loved once before And i sure do will love again somehow in the future.. But i can tell that wouldn’t be the same as you.
You will always be that something that my Soul love the most.
For the first time in my life i recognizes the soul love. Not the heart, not the mind... It’s the soul...

And i know this is painful, and i know that i am torture my self by keep thinking about you. Because no matter how hard i tried, the pain that keep you inside my head won’t go. And I don’t blame you for that. I blame my self. Because no matter what i do about it.. it won’t just go away

I know that you asked me to stop and I do wish the feeling left when the person does... But i never wish that i never met you. Because you still the most beautiful things i have ever seen.

And this is the longest broken heart i have
And maybe this will never heal.
And in might have to deal with it for the longest time of my life
And i need to be okay with that.

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