a libra who writes..

Senin, September 22, 2008

Just A Part of Stuppid FACEBOOK interview..!

-How tall are you?

-Do you like bananas?
only when it become Friedbanana (pisang goreng)

-If you could have one super human power what would you choose?
Super Smart

-If you had to make a movie about your life what would it be called?
"Long Journey To Heaven"
-What would be the soundtrack to the movie about your life?
Thunder - Boys Like Girls.. "gonna find the way out.. maybe there's way out"

-What is your favorite place?
rooftop of my old house

-What is your favorite food?
pizza, cheese, ice milo

-Define yourself in 3 words...
cheersful , extrovent, Friendly
-Describe your evil twin Side.
Selfish, Childish, wanna be the special one.

-Why did the chicken cross the road?
to catch the fallen sky... (chicken little)
-What is your favorite movie quote?
1 Corinthians 13:4 (from A walk to remember!)


-Your favorite Disney Films?
Lilo and stich

-What is your favorite clothing brand?
Glamor Kills clothing


-How do you see yourself in five years?
married, have my own clothing line, Teaching! a successful women (AMIN)

-If you had only six months to live, what would you do first?

-Who was your hero as a child?
Saint Saiya

-If you were an animal in the wild, what would you be?
-Who do you admire most?
Channing Tattum

-Do you own any pets, and if so what do you have?
Yeap... Hamster named "Pedro"

-If you could be someone else for a day, who would it be?
Hanna beth (when she was Dating with Martin from boys like girls! eheh)
-what do you think they eat in heaven?
Verses, and Cheese.. with hot cocholate

-Describe your perfect Sunday morning?
wake up beside the one that i love (hahhah Sok romantis abiis!) *lol

Waking up with happiness.

-Aliens have landed and selected you to visit their home planet. Do you go with them?
depends on the aliens look likes.. if it looks like Hayden Cristensen... i'll go! haahahah!

-beach or mountain?
Cave-What is your favorite color?
Yellow-How many kids (or any at all) would you want to have?
4, a girl, a twin boys and a little girl-Whats the First Thing You Notice In A Boy/Girl?
Their jokes, their Brain, the way they laugh (there's a cuteness in boys laugh that they don't event realize! )-Tom Cruise or Brad Pitt?Jonny Deep-Do you have any piercings/tatoos?
I used to have 5 pierc, now i have tattoos.-Do you believe in heaven and hell?
yep!-If you could pick anyone dead or alive to have lunch with, who would it be?
Channing tattum-Orlando bloom or Johnny depp?
ORLANDO!!-What is the meaning of life?
to find ahappiness

-What came first, the chicken or the egg?
the chicken... coz' God make the plant, the ANIMALS (including Chicken) and Human. not the Egg

-If you look at the color blue, what does it make you think of?
sky-Do you sometimes wish you were a porn star?
rrrr.... no... i wish i was SUPER STAR ^^-Are you a good friend or not ?
Yes.. i am... hohoho

-Jeans or shorts?
HOT PANTS-Family or friends?

-Ice Cream or Sherbet?
ICE CREAM!!! ahahahah-What countries have you been to other than you home country?
German, Singapore, France, NetherLand, Belgia, Swiss

-Relationships or hook ups?

-Apple juice or orange juice?

-Look to your left: What do you see?

-What is your ideal pizza?
Egg Sunshine.. Beef, onion, egg cream and chees cream!! YUMMY!
(go to Pizza Hut (indonesia), Order Delight Package and Pick the Egg Sunshine! best Pizza ever!!!)
-not available anymore... hiks..-

-Would you rather be an elf, dwarf, or hobbit
Elf!!! absolutely!!

-How do you tell if you are in love or just in lust?
if i'm in love.. i would thinking of him, hang out with him, and my heart beat! if it just lust, i would hang out with him, and just feel the fun, but without the beat!

-what is love?
Love is like a drugs..

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