a libra who writes..

Sabtu, Mei 03, 2008

The ultimate Hollywood boy-crushed!

Okay.. Akhirnya ada juga topik ini di blogs gw!

lagi nongkrong sama para cewe.. Keluarlah pertanyaaan tentang "top 5 the guy you would like to DATE"! ( okay ini di sensor! Gak tau ada apa sama otak perempuan sekarang , kenapa ngomongny jadi seperti cowo... Hahahah)  

Well, gue sebenernya gak terlalu adore seleb. Apalagi  bule! Ga kenal, juga bukan selera gue! Hahaha... Kalau suruh nge-list cowok jepang, its super easy!!! Of cours JIRO-sama from Glay will be on the TOP OF THE LIST! Di ikutin sama Takeshi konishiro dan.... Okay stop! Karena topicnya lagi cowok holliwood, okay ... Here's my list...  This 5 probably the only 5 bule i adore! Hahahahah !! Emang sukanya beneran sih! They are adorable ! Sebenernya six! Harusnya aja jake gyllenhaal di nomer 6. Tapi karna cuma boleh 5.. Yaudah ...

Lets count down from 5th 

5, Ryan Gosling

Bukan.. Bukan karna note book! Gak kok! Gak ikutan kok! 
Okay! Ngaku deh.. Memang karna Note book! Hahahaha
But who doesn't love NOAH (Ryan Gosling) ! Kan gak mungkin!!!!

4. Christ Evans 

This one... Just... Verymuch adorable... I watched all christ evans movie!! Bahkan yang indie! 
Coba ... Jarang banget cowok seganteng ini punya great humor taste!
And ya... Memang ganteng!
Duh gw fak bisa nulis alesan kenapa
Ya... Jarang banget ngomongin cowok celeb...  Hahaha sory.. I'm stink of this stuff

3. Channing Tatum

Okay.. Welcome to the Hollywood a-lister!! Sejak muncul di step up tahun 2006 lalu, rasanya CUMA CHANNING TATUM yang bisa ngedance dan BALET tanpa kelihatan banci di mata gue! Even more! This one is SUPER SEXY!
Pokoknya kalo suruh liat cowok nari dan naksir? Kayanya cuma kalo ngeliat channing tatum deh! Hahahah


Okay!! Bukan karna gue MANIAC THE O.C! Bukan karna dia si super nyebelin, geeky dan romantis SETH! Memang sih itu juga alesannya. Cuma kalau di tanya cowok bule yang type gue kaya gimana... LOOKS LIKE ADAM BRODY!! Okay he looks nerd, okay he's a geek! Okay he's skinny, okay he's not so A-list! No reason! Just my type! Walaupun dia gak ada di posisi satu! Hahahah.... But if the question is the most favorite celebrity guy who you want to for a real life... I will put him as number 1. He's not perfect... Just my type :p


This is my number 1, okay, i adore him since junior high! Hahahah.. Sebenernya bukan tipe gue sih, but thats what make it amazing! Josh hartnette is a magnetic! I love the wrinkle by the eyes... The laughing way. Omg! Just watch the faculty, pearl harbor, lucky number slevin, black hawk down, black dahlia, here on earth, o, halloween, and 40days 40night! How could you Not Love him!!! One laugh... And i'm his! Hahahahahha

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