a libra who writes..

Jumat, Februari 09, 2018


Names, titles, and labels, are funny things. Sometimes all we want is to show someone off as our boyfriend or girlfriend just to make people jealous.

I’m simple though. As long as I have you and I know that you’re not going anywhere, I don’t desperately need to prove to anyone else what we are. 
You make me feel safe. and that what i want right now. not all the time, just once in a while when we are together. i dont asked you to give your full attention to me, just sometimes, knowing that i am the only one you treat like this is enough. 
because i have been strong sooo long, i am strong, i know i do. but with you, i can feel i am small, i can feel like weak, and somehow, it doesn't feel so bad at all in this time of my life.
I couldn’t care less what our label is, I want to be with you because of the person you are. I don’t need to call you "my boyfriend" just to tell you how I feel about you. The only two people in this are you and me, so who cares what anyone else thinks.
What’s most important is what we think.
I’ve been the girl who fought for the title before, and once I had it, I didn’t know what to do with it because it didn’t mean anything anymore. All it was was just a single word, it didn’t actually change my life like I thought it would.  everything good seems disappear when you put label on it. 
We’re so different though. We have more going for us than just some superficial label. That’s why I don’t need it to define you and I.
Before we define us, before people justify us... before every of the label, I want to know every piece of you. I want to know what makes you happy, pissed off, and sad. I want to know what your favorite meal is, or your favorite movie and game. And I want to know your secrets if you feel like sharing them too.
At the end of the day, a label is just that. A label. It’s a bunch of words that have serious meaning behind it or it doesn’t.
honestly it doesn’t matter to me anymore. What matters more is simply knowing you’re there.  
That’s really why I don’t need it to define us, we’ve become bigger than a silly name. 
i am safe with you. i can be my self. i can CHILL and not overthink, and you will not Judge me for my past, and my mistakes... thats all i need to know. i need to know that you always be honest, for the good things or the shitty things. and if there is time i am no longer safe with you, if there is any chance you lost you heartbeat for anyone elses, i will not compete, if you would have want to walk out of my life, i will giving you the exit.
i have been broken so many times and its hard to me to define something, label just makes everything complicated, and at the end, when people leave, it will create more scars.

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