a libra who writes..

Minggu, Februari 15, 2015


 By the time i realize that i dont need love. I dont need relationship to be Happy! i want need but it not a priority! not my main goal!. I can choose to be in or out! As a woman! We have a choice to leave and walk way from what's no longer make us happy!by the time i realize that seems like all guys was having the "same mind set" that actually predictable! So as a woman.. We sometimes confused how to crack their code well actually! The fact is! THEY DONT HAVE ANY CODE! We put the code on them and makes everything turns out moooore and mooooree complicated!!
Im gonna share my latest experiences!! It was awful and im not proud with that.. So i was really like this guy and meet and together. And that's all the woman mistakes sometimes! When the guys think as a starter. We suddenly hear the WEDDING BELLS in our ear! Which if i think about it NOW! It was sooo silly! become Needy was the suck-est feeling ever!  YOU ARE NOT A PRINCESS THAT NEED TO BE SAVED BY PRINCE! you can live your own life
you can do anything yourself!
you are not dying before you meet him
and you will still live even if he's not around!

2nd mistake is sometimes we see the good things of a guy over of his bad things! We dont compare it! We compromise! And that's wrong! 
Women often said that.. Omg he's hot, well he might be a little rude that's okay (WRONG!! That's nit okay!)
Omg he's funny , oh shit he dont remember his promise.. Ah that's okay (NO!!!)

LISTEN LADY! There's a lot of chances you meet the guy more funnier or more hotter than him if you walk away sooner !! Before you lose your securities and confidences.
And never changes your self being what you think he want  you to be
I was dating  one guy who seems like to be a geek and good guy so i was okay with the idea of date at home. Mothering. Doing the house job. I try to impress him a lot by doing too much and let him do nothing to Impress me because i was so impress by him!! Turns out he was bored! I was bored and its all become bored! Guys neeed to fight for something! In this case fight for YOU! He needs to impress you! He need to be hero!!! 
You are not HIS MOM! you are need to take care of YOUR SELF too. REALIZE: he is HUMAN too, no matter how much you think he is PERFECT! he has that ugly truth side like everyone else! dont adore him more than you adore yourself!
Giving and Taken must be EQUAL! 
If you give too much = you loose him
if you give to little = You loose him
I can explain this in a good way. But if you put tooo much effort! Turns out you will get the less! And dont hold back too long... If you think and you feel this is aint going to walk!! 


Its not Tied to anybody! you have your own controll!

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