a libra who writes..

Selasa, Desember 30, 2014

Things Girls Wish You Knew.. (Written by a guy! And as a women, i couldn't agree more! Thank you!)

Sources : http://www.askmen.com/top_10/dating/things-girls-wished-you-knew_10.html

I just take the best 5 According to me. But there's more! Open the link above to read complete articles!

Most Girls Don't Care About Money

For some guys (rich and poor alike) there's an assumption that girls are only interested in rich guys, and that the richer a guy is, the more interested the girls will be. Well, we won't lie: All other things being equal, there's a good chance your average girl prefers the Super-Rich Clone to the Homeless Clone. But just like you're interested in more aspects of a girl than just her bra size alone, your annual income, liquid assets, and real estate holdings (or lack thereof) don't necessarily matter to her. If you're a girl's type, she's going to be interested regardless of your dolla, dolla bills. And if she turns you down, there's a good chance it wasn't simply because she snuck a peek at your bank balance one time. Of course, if you're cheap and refuse to spend a dime on her, that's another story. It's less about the money, and more about the unspoken message that you're not worth that much to her. Now that's just common sense -- err, cents. 

You Better Introduce Them As Your Girlfriend

Let's set the stage. You're over at your girl's place. You've been going out for a few months. You're exclusive, and you each deleted your OkCupid profiles to prove it. Then her friends randomly show up, and she says, "Hi guys! This is my friend, Brad."

Hurts, doesn't it? Now you're wondering what's up. Are you too ugly? Is it something you said? Maybe you don't have enough money haven't been offering to pay for meals as often as she has? Are you in a fight? Has she downgraded you? Are you just her dirty little secret?

Well, same applies in reverse. When you're introducing her to friends, you introduce her as your girlfriend. And if you aren't 100% sure about the status of your relationship, maybe it's time to have that conversation with her -- like a real grown man. 

*My personal PS: if you want the open-relationship  from the start and treat us like girlfriend but mention us as a friend.. Well, guess what! We don't mind... Just come it clear from the start.. So we can get the back up ;). It harsh, but we want to have an exit door from broken heart ;)  

Keeping Secrets Is Cheating

When that cute girl you went to high school with added you on Facebook two months ago, you didn't tell her. Ditto when the girl liked a few of your statuses, and you liked a few of her profile pics. Ditto when you started chatting with her late one night and now you guys have regular talks. Ditto when you made plans to "have coffee and catch up" some time next week. Guess, what, pal? You might not have said anything strictly over the line. You might not have kissed, touched or even, gasp, fantasized about anything. But there's a reason you're not telling her -- you know that she wouldn't take it well. Well, you might not be cheating-cheating, but you're still cheating. Loving relationships are built on trust, not on the very tactical omissions of certain unpleasant truths. It might be time to look yourself in the mirror and own up to some of your more borderline behaviors, bud. 

*My personal Ps: well, at least you don't mind that we chat with hotter guy and giggles at their jokes in front of you! ;)...  
I am not the jealousy type girl.. But i respect trust and honesty ! If you hide something like this.. You might think about the possibilities to cheat ;). We are not dummy! 

They Worry If You Don't Text Them Back

Text messages are a funny thing, aren't they? They take up zero space in the physical world -- they weigh nothing, they don't smell, and you can ingest an infinite amount without gaining weight -- but as meaningless as they sometimes seem, they secretly are full of meaning. Not all of them, of course -- "Brunch at 10 on Wednesday?" doesn't have the same power as "Baby, what's wrong? Why won't you pick up?" But a non-response to the former is a mere trifle compared to a non response to the latter. Admit it: When you choose not to answer your girlfriend's texts -- right away, or at all -- you're sending a message that they aren't important (and thus she isn't, either.) So be a gentleman, a hero, a knight in shining armor: If she texts you, just text back. (Unless you're driving.)

The Way You Write "I Love You" Matters

Text messages aren't the only little, itsy-bitsy things in the world that matter. Take love, for instance. Well, you may be asking yourself, "What is love?" And the answer, obviously, is "Baby, don't hurt me," and vigorous head-nodding. But A Night at the Roxbury references aside, love is a big deal, and it can manifest itself in your relationships in big ways. If she says, "I love you" and you say, "Me too," chances are, that's not the end of the discussion right there. Similarly, if she texts, "I love you," and you text back, "Luv u 2," you're sending her signals again. While this may seem like a minute detail, it can speak volumes to her about how committed you are to the sentiment -- in this case, not 2 much. If you really want to show her you love her, don't skimp. Use all the letters, and all the pronouns, and don't include any numbers -- unless you're making a heart with the "<" and the "3" at the end of the message.

When She's Mad, She Wants You To Give Her Attention

This may seem counter-intuitive, but when she starts cursing at you, she really wants you to kiss her and tell her you love her. And when she ignores you, give her attention. Fights and spats and disagreements are mended with admissions of wrongdoing, forgiveness and sweet, sweet make-up romance -- not icy cold silence. (See.. It isn't so hard! Hahahah)

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